Morton Middle
Identity Elements
Logo is the graphical representation of an organization. It is the first impression others have of our school. Morton Middle’s logo incorporates the school name and the image of a crest and the mascot, a Panther, arranged as you see here.
The school mascot, the Panther image alone is considered an icon, a representative symbol. The mascot can be used alone but only in specific situations where the school name is displayed near by.
Other Logo and Identity Elements
C: 8 M: 100 Y: 100 K: 2
R: 216 G: 31 B: 38
Hex: d81f26
C: 50 M: 40 Y: 30 K: 20
R: 116 G: 120 B: 132
Hex: 747884
Morton Middle Branding Don’ts
See complete brand guidelines document below for examples
Stretch or scrunch
Change the fonts
Switch out colors
Make it so small that it is difficult to read
Place on top of photos. or complex backgrounds
Crowd the logo
Tip, rotate or add extreme drop shadows