The colors of our identity were chosen to reflect the key attributes of our personality. Our colors are diverse, noble and caring — just like our organization.
The colors of our identity were chosen to reflect the key attributes of our personality. Our colors can be used in different ways for different applications, including PMS, CMYK, RGB and HEX color codes.
Pantone Matching System (PMS) - A system of standardized inks used for printing consistent colors.
CMYK - A subtractive color model for digital and offset printing. Colors are created by using a combination of cyan, magenta, yellow and black inks.
RGB - A color profile for monitors that uses light rendered onscreen by using combinations of red, green and blue.
HEX - Designers and developers commonly use HEX colors in web design. A HEX color is expressed as a six-digit combination of numbers and letters defined by its mix of red, green and blue (RGB).
Primary Colors
Deep Blue
PMS 302
CMYK: 100 48 12 58
RGB: 0 58 93
HEX: #003a5d
Solid Gold
PMS 466
CMYK: 8 23 52 15
RGB: 201 169 120
HEX: #c9a978
Clear Blue
PMS 304
CMYK: 34 0 6 0
RGB: 151 218 234
HEX: #97daea
Secondary Colors
Dark Blue
PMS 303
CMYK: 100 47 22 82
RGB: 0 42 58
HEX: #002a3a
Pure Blue
PMS 7690
CMYK: 95 41 10 0
RGB: 0 118 169
HEX: #0076a9
Teal Green
PMS 7716
CMYK: 83 0 40 11
RGB: 0 148 145
HEX: #009491
Middle Gray
PMS 441
CMYK: 22 4 15 8
RGB: 183 205 201
HEX: #b7cdc9
Soft Yellow
PMS 7401
CMYK: 0 4 27 0
RGB: 247 224 165
HEX: #f7e0a5
Color Meaning
Creating Custom Color Palettes
Using consistent colors helps reinforce the Omaha Public Schools brand. This document provides instructions on setting up a color palette in Canva, Adobe and Office. Omaha Public Schools brand colors will be available to incorporate into your documents without having to look up and input color codes.